Product Name : EG Pro
Product Number : SE0034
Origin : USA
Appearance : Liquid
- L-Lysine
- L-Threonine
- DL-Methionine
- L-Tryptophan
- Citric Acid
- Lactic Acid
- Zinc Chelated Glycine ( Zn 21 gm/L)
- Copper Chelated Glycine ( Cu 6.4 gm/L)
- Ascorbic Acid
- Biotine
- Echinesea extract
- Beta-(1.3/1.6)-glucan ( extracted from Saccharmomyces cerevisiae)
Mix of chelated Amino acids , Organic Acids .minerals and vitamins to improve growth performance and egg production, potentiat fertility for breeders, immune enhancer.
- All Amino acids are from synthetic source
- For Broilers : 1 ml/ 2 liter of drinking water
- For Layers : 2 ml / 2 liter of drinking water for 5 days
- For Breeders : 2 ml / 2 liter of drinking water for 5 days
100/ 200/ 250 /500 /1000 ml.