Each 1000 ml Contains:
- Eucoleptus globlus oil: 50 gm
- Anethol (Anise leaves extract): 8 gm
- Thymol (Organum Vulgaare): 60 gm
- Ginsenosides (ginseng extract): 90 gm
- Alicin (garlic extract): 40 gm
- Oleic acid (Moringa Oil): 68 gm
- Vitamin E: 6 gm
- Sodium chlorid: 12 gm
- Castro oil: 80 gm
- Carrier: water up to:1 liter

• Essential oils mix of Eucoleptus oil, Thymol oil, Anethole oil,Ginsenosides, Moringa Oil and Alicin proprietary patented mix.
• Enhances the immune balance of the gut flora by modifying gut
• Improves intestinal tract health when disturbed.
• Shows a strong antibacterial and even antiviral activity against a variety of bacteria and viruses
• Has positive effects on production.
Immunerve is indicated in all situations where the organism is subject to increase infectious pressure and/or decrease natural defense (after vaccination, in recovery phase after disease,…).
Oral Solution:
Poultry (broilers, layers, breeders): 200 ml per 1000 L drinking water during 2 to 4 consecutive days.
Side Effects:
No undesirable effects are to be expected when the prescribed dosage regimen is followed.
Withdrawal Period:
Warning:Keep out of reach of children.
500 ml